HOORAY!! I’m so glad you’ve decided to join us for The Whole Dancer Audition Prep Challenge!

STEP #1 : 

Confirm your email address!

Within the next few minutes you should receive an email from jess@thewholedancer.com. Confirm your email address to ensure that you receive future reminders and access information for the challenge!

If you don’t see the email check your SPAM and be sure to add jess@thewholedancer.com to your contacts.

STEP #2 :

Record the Challenge dates in your planner or create a reminder on your phone: December 30-January 3!

STEP #3 :

If you have audition questions, reach out!

I’d love to hear from you – email me at jess@thewholedancer.com

Are you new to The Whole Dancer? Learn more about us here!