and Overcoming that One Comment that’s Holding you Back Most professional dancers can think back to one offhand comment that they’ve internalized and allowed to affect way too much of their dancing careers and psyche. For me there were a couple
Let this dancer be your biggest inspiration…
When I was a young dancer, social media and youtube were not what they are today. I got my dance inspiration from dvd’s and even vhs tapes (ok, now I’m showing my age). I watched The Turning Point, The Red
One of Shelby Elsbree’s Best Tips
I wanted to highlight one of my favorite takeaways from Thursday’s webinar. If you didn’t get a chance to watch it yet, make sure you make some time – lots of good stuff in there! Here’s some wisdom Shelby shared:
Your Eating for Energy Questions – Answered.
Dancers need to eat for energy. This means finding the foods that will maximize your performance in class and rehearsals. At a recent eating for energy webinar, we weren’t able to answer all of your questions so here are the