
It Doesn’t Matter “What She Eats in a Day”

Those “What I Eat in a Day” posts are everywhere. They’re super popular and total clickbait. And while I’m not a fan, I totally understand the appeal. There was a time when I was grasping for any and all information about what I should eat. I was desperate to know what successful and thin ballerinas ate, and since I could never really know for sure, I just assumed it was little or nothing.

Now that there are posts everywhere sharing what dancers, athletes, actresses, and influencers eat, we no longer have to wonder. However, there are some things I’d urge you to stay aware of when you check out those posts.

Remember that it’s possible they’re sharing what they eat in a day when they’re “virtuously” healthy.

No sugar in sight. No indulgences. Just pure #health and #cleaneating.

what do dancers eat in a day

Also, please keep in mind that just because a certain meal plan works for your favorite dancer, doesn’t mean it can or should work for you.

If you enjoy checking out the “What I Eat in a Day” posts for some inspiration, take the details with a grain of salt. Not every dancer actually practices healthy eating, and unfortunately, some of the eating plans dancers, models, and fitness influencers share are actually deficient in key micro and/or macro nutrients.

If you try following their model of eating and find that you’re not satisfied, your energy is lagging, or it’s not helping you reach the goals you’ve set around your body, it’s not the best plan for you.

The best way to figure out what shifts in your meal plan might benefit from you is to work with someone who can help.

This is one of the key things I work with dancers to figure out. How can you maximize or refine your current eating in order to reach your body goals?

Check out this related post :   Katie's Path from Injury to Massive Progress

The Dancers’ Best Body Program provides a great option if you’re working towards specific body goals and need support improving both your mindset around food AND your actual food choices.

One of the first things that’s discussed in the program is the fact that there is no “one size fits all” eating plan. What works for your friend may or may not work for you in the long term. That’s the big problem with fad diets and most of the recommendations you see on the Today Show.

So while it’s tempting to copy your favorite dancer’s eating plan, even if you copy it to a T, there’s no guarantee you’ll see the changes you desire in your body. What you eat in a day should be about YOU.

dancers meal plan

As much as you might wish you had Sylvie Guillem’s body, it’s unfair to compare your own body or body progress to anyone else.

You can’t change your proportions, and there’s only so much you can do about your actual body shape and tendency to carry weight in one part of your body versus another.

Rather than hating on yourself and comparing yourself to other dancers, find the way to turn your “flaws” into strengths. Rather than viewing your quads as “bulky,” see them for the power they can bring to your dancing.

So much of your potential for success in dance is dependent on how you view your body, how you view your dancing, and your ability to rise up and move forward.

This is also true for your potential to alter your physical form in a healthy way. If you view your body as it is in a positive way rather than hating on it, you’re going to see a lot more progress towards your goals.

When you’re seeking inspiration from your fellow dancers, look for those who truly demonstrate a healthy approach to food and their bodies. As outsiders looking in, we can’t always know for sure, but healthy habits tend to radiate from the inside out. Some dancers who might inspire you are Natasha Sheehan, Jenelle Manzi, or Juliet Doherty.

Check out this related post :   Are You Distracted by Your Body in Class?

Ultimately, it’s helpful to be willing to pave your own way with food. Try new things. Experiment. Stay positive. Seek support. Reaching your body goals is possible. If you’re interested in support on the journey, check out The Dancers’ Best Body Program!

Photo by Janis Brandt

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

It doesn’t matter “What she eats in a day”
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Jess Spinner

Jess is a former professional ballet dancer turned Holistic Health, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Coach for high level dancers. She founded The Whole Dancer in 2015 after identifying a greater need for balance, wellness and support in the dance world. Since The Whole Dancer was founded, Jess has worked with 100's of dancers worldwide at top companies and schools. She has been featured in or written for Dance Magazine, Dance Teacher Magazine, Pointe Magazine, and Dance Spirit Magazine.

3 thoughts on “It doesn’t matter “What she eats in a day”

  • Pingback:What "should" a Dancer Eat in a Day? - The Whole Dancer

  • Pingback:The Danger of Copying Meal Plans - The Whole Dancer

  • September 27, 2020 at 4:24 pm

    I love this post so much. Everything here is spot on, as usual.

    FWIW, it’s also inspired me to maybe do my own “What I Eat In A Day” post—but not the usual aspirational kind. More like the, “Hey, don’t sweat it—professional dancers aren’t perfect, either!” kind. Like, just any old normal day, when there’s a mix of healthy stuff and the occasional, “Oh, shoot, I should’ve eaten a little more lunch, what kind of granola bars does this gas station have?” or even, “I’m having dinner with friends and we’re eating greasy pizza and you know what? It’s gonna be okay.”


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