First, I’ll say that there absolutely are plenty of situations where a dancer would be in need of nutrition support, education, and information. Any time a dancer is working through a diagnosed eating disorder, they should be working with a
Optimal Nutrition for Summer Intensives
To ensure you’re dancing at your highest possible level during an intensive, create and maintain optimal nutrition. By prioritizing adequate and supportive fuel, you’ll dance with more energy, focus, and strength. By fueling yourself with intention you’ll do your best
The Best Diet for Dancers
Constantly overthinking about food choices is relatively common among dancers. Even dancers who don’t fixate on what the “right” choices might be, likely have times of questioning or doubt. There’s also a false idea floating around that there might be
Refreshing Your Food Mindset before the New Year
When the new year hits, so do all the diet, exercise, and body-related messages. You start hearing even more about what foods are “good” or “bad” and what you “should” or “shouldn’t” be eating. That’s why now is a great
Understanding Your Fuel Needs as a Dancer
Prefer to listen to the podcast episode on this topic? The first thing I always try to emphasize is that your food needs are completely unique and personal to you. And I’ll qualify this by adding that this fact should
The Whole Dancer Plate
Something I know dancers struggle with is how to know if they’re eating enough. For most dancers, counting calories or macronutrients can be a slippery slope to a disordered relationship with food. The truth is, if you’re listening to your
Dancers and Protein: Can you eat too much?
Protein tends to be the one macronutrient that dancers feel pretty good about. There are times when fats and even carbohydrates develop a negative connotation in a dancer’s mind, but protein is generally viewed as “good.” Here’s an important point
Dancer Question: How Do I Know I’m Eating Enough?
This is such a common question, and in an environment where you’re surrounded by a lot of people who are undereating, it can be very hard to know. Am I eating enough? A 2020 study indicated that over 50% of
Dancer Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid
There are some common nutrition traps dancers have a tendency to fall into at some point on their journeys. It’s not something to feel badly about, but it is important to recognize if you’re getting into these unhelpful habits. Your
What Is Good Nutrition for Dancers?
It’s worth starting off by saying the healthiest way of eating is completely different for each and every one of us. That’s why there should never be food rules and also why you can’t follow your friend’s eating plan and