In the world of professional ballet today, there’s a structure that can leave dancers feeling stuck. Before you can get a paid company position, you often have to go through years of trainee programs, 2nd company positions, or other-named post
Dear Dancer: Expect Your Body to Change. Prefer to listen to a podcast episode on this topic? Click below. There’s a lot of aesthetic pressure in dance. It’s important to talk about it realistically without sugar coating or ignoring the
When it comes to cross-training for dance, there are so many options to choose from…and a lot of mixed messages around them. Will weight training make you bulky? Is endless cardio the answer? What about Pilates and yoga, do those
Dealing with casting in dance can be a challenge… We’ve all been there. The cast sheet goes up and you walk over feeling hopeful. Then, you read the list and are totally disappointed with your roles. At just about every
If you haven’t read Part I of Brett and Jenny’s interview, check it out here. Tell us about some trials and triumphs of being a dance parent. Brett: There are big and small trials and triumphs every single day. The
Ballet Help Desk and its founders Brett and Jenny provide dancers and dance parents with invaluable insights into the world of high-level ballet training. A world that’s often left a mystery, behind a big, scary curtain. Borne from their own
Can Dancers Have Their Cake and Eat It? Every time I present something on food or eating plans, there are questions around sweets and foods you might categorize as “treats.” Most of us enjoy sugar and even that burst of
Whenever I come across a company that’s making real changes to prioritize dancer wellness, I want to celebrate and share it. This BalletX feature is particularly exciting to bring to you all because it also highlights a past client of
First, I’ll say that there absolutely are plenty of situations where a dancer would be in need of nutrition support, education, and information. Any time a dancer is working through a diagnosed eating disorder, they should be working with a
In order to dance at a high level, you need to fuel yourself strategically. There’s lots of value in making thoughtful, sports-nutrition-focused food choices. However, for perfectionistic, type-A dancers, it can be a slippery slope into disordered or unhealthy eating.