
The Power of a Clear Vision

During these uncertain times, a Vision for your future could be exactly the inspiration you need to stay focused on your goals without fear. In times of uncertainty or stress, a Vision provides a light at the end of a sometimes challenging tunnel.

In business, a Vision is written to define purpose and direction. A personal Vision can be used in a similar way to guide and motivate you towards your biggest goals and dreams.

When I work with dancers individually, one of the first things we do is create a Vision. 

My client Malena wrote a Vision for her future. She imagined her ideal life in 1, 3, and 5 years in the future. She saw herself ultimately getting a contract with Pacific Northwest Ballet.

From her end goals, we worked backwards to craft smaller goals. They included getting into the PNB Summer Intensive, then getting accepted into the Professional Division. From there, she could get the contract offer.

Malena always had her Vision to come back to when things got tough or stressful. It was the “why” behind her hard work. It provided motivation when she was lacking and pushed her to stay focused and on task.

She was just offered her contract with PNB and was amazed. She said, “I can’t believe it, it’s exactly what I wrote in my Vision 3 years ago.”

How to write your own Vision:

Dream big! If you had a magic wand, what would your life look like in 1 year? 3 years? 5 years? 

Write your Vision in the present tense (e.g., I am dancing with Carolina Ballet as an apprentice), and include all the life details that get you excited. Think about where you’re dancing, what your position is, roles you’d like to perform, where you live, how you feel, what lights you up.

From your Vision, craft your goals:

This is about imagining what’s possible for your future if you really go for it. These goals are about the steps and work you have to do to make that Vision a reality.

Check out this related post :   The "Whole" College Dancer : Allison Haan

Some goals might be more concrete: “I’ll attend the PNB Summer intensive and get into the highest level.” While others might be more abstract: “I’ll improve my mindset so I can dance with greater confidence in auditions and classes.”

Whichever goals you’re looking at, make sure you come up with action steps that can support you in reaching your desired outcome. For the examples above, what technical aspects of your dancing need work to help you get into the intensive? How will you work on them?

write a clear vision

For the mindset piece, maybe you’ll employ daily positive journaling exercises to shift your thought patterns or work with a coach to gain additional insights into what might be holding you back.

Think about where you should train in order to dance with the company of your dreams. Are there any connections you can make or people you can work with to get closer to your goals?

Why dancers benefit from a clear Vision:

It inspires you to focus on what matters. When times get tough and you’re struggling, you’ll have a clear reason to continue to show up and do your best.

Creating a Vision draws from infinite possibilities, so it might make you uncomfortable. What if your Vision doesn’t happen? If you get too stuck in that way of thinking, you’ll likely self-sabotage.

Instead, stay focused on all the ways you can make your Vision a reality. If you’re in a place of self-doubt, address that, just like you would a necessary technical improvement. 

The more you believe your Vision is possible, as lofty as it might be, the greater likelihood you’ll achieve it!

photo of Malena by Lindsay Thomas Photo

The Power of a Clear Vision

Jess Spinner

Jess is a former professional ballet dancer turned Holistic Health, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Coach for high level dancers. She founded The Whole Dancer in 2015 after identifying a greater need for balance, wellness and support in the dance world. Since The Whole Dancer was founded, Jess has worked with 100's of dancers worldwide at top companies and schools. She has been featured in or written for Dance Magazine, Dance Teacher Magazine, Pointe Magazine, and Dance Spirit Magazine.

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